Group of companies LLC «RosAgroImpeks» was established in 2003. Nowadays it combines LLC «RosAgroImpeks», Trading house LLC «AgroImpeks» and LLC «Aura». Group of companies LLC «RosAgroImpeks» from the moment of its establishment till now takes part in foreign economic activity.
In 2013 году, in the village of Pokrovskoye, Neklinovsky district, Rostov regionthe Group of companies LLC «RosAgroImpeks» put into operation a plant for the production of natural fatty acids of sunflower oil, with a capacity of 12,000 tons per year. In the Neklinovsky district of the Rostov region, the company owns two production bases consisting of 1.5 hectares of land, production, storage, office premises, and afleet of trucks. The company employs specialists with many years of experience in the agricultural sector and foreign economic activity.
The main direction of our company, until 2015, was the production of natural sunflower fatty acids, technical specifications (hereafter TS) 9145-001-14547699-2013 and the production of technical salted oil in accordance with GOST 1129, paragraph 5.2.4. Our company is one of the largest producers of this type of products in the domestic market. We successfully cooperate with consumers not only in the Russian Federation, but we also successfully export our products to Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Czech Republic, Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan.
In connection with the need for constant quality control of raw materials and final products, in 2016 the Group of companies LLC «RosAgroImpeks» was accredited and received the International Certificate ISO 9001-2015.
At our enterprise, a chemical analytical laboratory has been set up complete with the most modern equipment, which makes it possible to control the entire production process and the conformity of the final product to the declared parameters.
Since 2015, our company has developed and started the commercial production of organic fertilizers CMDPN «Malham», with microelements, in a ligand-chelate form for agricultural crops. The patent for this product belongs to LLC RosAgroImpeks.
Depending on the composition of the fertilizer and the type of crops, we produce several types of agrochemicals, and pesticides (micro fertilizers, herbicides and desiccants).